We connect world-class sales professionals and investors with lucrative 6 to 7-figure business opportunities in the financial service industry so they can create generational wealth.

Searching for the next step in your professional life and career?

Lionrock Recruiting is uniquely positioned to source high-quality and highly motivated candidates for our confidential clients in the Financial Services Industry who are offering two exciting and life-changing career opportunities to create a leadership legacy and generational wealth.

Candidates interested in these opportunities are seeking a financially rewarding business opportunity with a supportive and reputable organization, where they can leverage their skills, drive success, and achieve a healthy work-life balance while making a positive impact on families through high-quality financial services.

Highlights for Interested Candidates:

  • Lucrative Business Opportunity

  • Balanced Work-Life Integration

  • Exclusive Lead Generation System

  • Proven Sales Process

  • Supportive Leadership & Leadership Growth Opportunities

  • Culture of Integrity & Accountability

  • Client-Centric Approach to Sales

  • Business Partner Status with Immediate Vesting

  • Professional Development and Continuous Learning

Available Opportunities

  • Sales Professional

    Candidates interested in this opportunity are seeking a financially rewarding career with a supportive and reputable organization, where they can leverage their skills, drive success, and achieve a healthy work-life balance while making a positive impact on families through high-quality financial services.

  • Investor / Sponsor

    Candidates interested in this opportunity are seeking a lucrative investment opportunity in the financial services industry. This is a unique opportunity for investors to sponsor candidates for the Life Insurance Financial Advisor position and generate 6 to 7-figure returns in exchange.